So we have been married 15 years and have had kids for 13 1/2 years and have now had our first broken bone. I had just been saying to a friend we have had countless stitches but no broken bones. I even knocked on wood but to no avail only a week later Nathan decides he is going to act like a spy. Well really he climbed up on the roof 4th of July and was waiting for the sun to go down. Officially its time to do fireworks in our house as soon as the sun goes down. Well he was trying to watch it and then inform us that we could now start the fireworks. He was by himself which was the scary thing I think. He came him with his arms dangling and the side of his face bleeding. He announced I need um some um help. He couldn't remember what happened at first. It took him a little while to remember what had happened. So off to the ER we went. 8 stitches, an mri, and a very temporary cast later we came home. We didn't get home until almost 1 am.
He had that cast on for a day and then the next morning they put him to sleep to set the bone. One bone was laying on top of the other.
The cast she is cutting of is the one they put on him after surgery. So that is cast #3.