Magic Kingdom:Truly a very magical place!!!! This was my favorite park by far. There are so many wonderful things about all the different parks but this seems to feel like all the Disney movies you grow up watching just come to life!!!

First tomorrow land. Very fun are that bring Toy Story and Buzz and Lilo and Stitch to life. This was a rocket ride that Matthew just loved. He could actually steer it and really its the best ride for me. Not too much just right. Those of you that know me know that I get motion sick very easily.

The idea of being able to "steer" their own ship just excited them all!!!

The Stitch ride was not a highlight for me or Matthew. It actually scared Matthew. But we got to me Stitch afterward and that made it all just fine for him.

Who doesn't love Buzz lightyear??? There was this fun little ride that everyone could ride and be a part of Buzz's life and world.

Its nice to take a break and have something to cool you off!!! Ice cream can always hit the spot when you need to rest for feet for a minute!!

This was a huge highlight for me. I had really hoped that the younger kids would meet some of the Characters that they know really well. We just happened to come up on Mickey and Minnie taking pictures with everyone and the older kids took off to ride something the younger ones couldn't. Sarah is like me in the motion sick department so she hung out with me. Even as old as I am it was so much fun and magical meeting these Characters that you see so much and have grown up watching. Minnie was so cute and just loved Eliza. And Matthew gave them both the biggest hug I have ever seen him give anyone.

Eliza wanted to tell Minnie about her flower on her head. So when we were done with the pictures I said Minnie, Eliza wanted to show you her flower. I swear she spent a good 2 minutes touching and smelling and just spending time with Eliza. Thats a very long time when you are talking about everyone taking pictures with them. She finally bent down and put her nose on Eliza's and then kissed her. Ohhhhhh it just made me melt seeing Eliza watch her and want to be with her.

Then the dreaded tea cups. There is no way I could ride these so we let them go on there own. They had so much fun just spinning them as fast as they could get them to go. I felt sick just watching them. But they all loved it!! Even Sarah.

This was Mickey's philharmagic show. It was this 3D show that brought Mickey's orchestra to life. There were instruments and animals flying out of the screen and water hitting us at times and puffs of air. Oh I absolutely looooooooooved this one!!!!!

Being behind the camera doesn't give me a chance to get very many with me in them but the ones I have I love!!! This was just sooo much fun I can't even really express it. It really was a touching experience for me. I was celebrating my triumph over my stomach issues I had in '09. This was our first really big family vacation and oh was it so worth it. I loved being with my family and not having anything be a distraction like work, laundry, phone, tv. None of that came in the way and it was fabulous!!!!

Stay tuned for a little piece of Hollywood Tomorrow.