I tried uploading his half time show but I am wondering if it is too big for blogs to deal with or something. They are doing James Bond for the half time show. And if I do say so myself my boy is more handsome than James Bond ever was!!! Band was my thing in highschool so to see him out there gives me such pride!!!

This is Calenda. She is in our ward. There is another member in the band as well who plays clarinet but it was crazy just trying to get these pictures much less add one more kid in there. I am so proud of them all!!!

Can you see my boy in action????

I cannot believe I have a teenaged grandson - he looks good wish I could hear them
I will try and see if I can get the smaller video uploaded that I took of them playing a little bit of their music in the stands. MOm, pretty soon he will be permitted by the states to start driving with a parent in the car. That doesn't mean that we are going to let him but the states say he can.
AHHHHHHHH!!!!! I can hear the music and feel the drum beating...miss those days. Wish I was there to see him. Dang it!
I want update on the new home
he is looking cute................
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