We decided to go bowling as a family a while back. Most of the kids had never been. A couple of them went as a field trip at the end of last year. They all really really liked it. Matthew could only take about one game. I guess it was hard to wait through that big line of people for his turn again. Anyway here are some of the highlight pictures.
This was a fun thing for them to do. They would stand there and watch for the ball to come back up the shoot.
Aaron the little stinker was the best bowler. Even better than Tom and I. (Don't tell Tom I told you that) He really like how fast he could get his ball to go down the lane.
Look at the joy on that sweet boys face. It was as if the world stopped when it was his turn. That was the only thing in this world that was going on was him being able to get that big ball to roll down the lane and hit those balls.
Stitch finishes
4 years ago
wow, 7 kids? That sure makes for quite the zoo! Glad you stopped in, you can come by anytime. Looking at some of the boys, they are looking like Gabe! I guess you must look a little like Allison!
I was just a kid when we left Alaska. All I remember is having foil on the windows and having to put jackets on when I somehow knew it was summer. I'd love to go back and we've got some friends up there with lots floorspace, so when McKenna's old enough to pull her own luggage, we'll go!
Fun night!!! I should take my crew when we get a few years older.
We need to go bowling...we used to, but not since the two littles...
Matt even played in a jr. league when he was little!
You need to blog your little soaps!
It looks like everyone had fun
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