I know that so many of you have been concerned for us and I am truly grateful. I am grateful for the prayers and the thoughts. THankyou so much. I really do believe that is why the store wasn't as bad as predicted because of everyone's prayers everywhere. So here is the story. We left Saturday night and took of for my parents house. As we approached the freeway we saw it crawling at 5 mile and hour speed and decided to take back roads. We finally hit the freeway at a place we thought the traffic would have thined out. When we hit the freeway it was not crawling but it wasn't freeway speeds either. Everyone was evacuating and that is a lot of people to be on the road at the same time. You could tell that so many people were tired. Including me. I was reacting much slower and was weaving all over the place.. At one point we stopped at a rest stop and there were people everywhere. There was a sense that we were all in this together and everyone was very kind and patient even though we were all tired. I finally had enough and begged Tom to find us a place to stay. We found the last hotel room they had and it was ina place we thought people wouldn't go but we were wrong. We got a few hours of sleep and woke up and headed back off for my mom's. I am so grateful to have a place to stay. Anyway the storm came and went and we made our way home again. It was a long time home but we made it. We met a man on our trip that offered for us to come and stay at his home. And he clearly saw how many people are in our family and didn't care. What a sweet man. He kept asking if we were sure he couldn't help us with anything. So we get home and find only a piece of siding ripped off and a porch light bulb ripped out of the socket but layed completley in tacked on the ground. So weird. Anyway we feel very blessed and know that we wouldn't be without all your prayers. The daunting thought is there are so many more storms out there to watch and keep an eye on. But at least we were safe and the Lord really blessed us. We had a good time with my parents and other than the stress before and the stress of getting home we enjoyed it. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless us throughout this storm season.
Glad you are safe and that your home is in tact! It must have been strange getting closer to home and just wondering what sight was awaiting you. I'm glad it was positive. What an experience.
We are so glad that you are safe, and glad that you only have minimal damages. You are so blessed!
Wow, all boarded up looks so dang sad! I am thankful everything was fine and you had VERY little damage. We love you guys!
What an experience...aren't you kinda glad though? After something like that it really has a way of changing me and my thoughts on alot of things. I am so glad we were all safe and protected.
Craziness! So glad all is well with you. At least you don't have to worry about your pipes freezing in the winter! :)
Tracy, it was a little weird to see what the house looked like. We did have an idea though because of our neighbor who stayed but still it was strange. And Darcy, we have been there and done that one. Did one of your break?
I felt so.... much better knowing that you all were here with us and safe - houses can be fixed or replaced - family cannot.
I am so glad you are back and all is well!
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