When I got home from my little surgery outing, I came back to some changes in my children. Well you would think they would be clinging and just down right irritable since their mother was gone for almost a month and then in the hospital her in town away from them for probably 2 weeks. But no the changes I am talking about is their hair. Emma got hers cut really short. I don't think the pictures do her justice. The back is just adorable. And its so her.
And Aaron well I thought he was the new shaggy dog. Let me give you a little backgroud info. He expressed the desire to grow his hair out a while back and I finally gave in and said as long as I can see your eyes and ears then we are good. Well he has now let it grow and I am not sure if I like it. The more I see it the more I think its okay. He is a good kid and I am not having to deal with much attitude from him or drugs or an other bad approaching teenage-hood idis. But as you can tell it is over the ears and that is what I hate the most about it.
So you tell me adorable or shaggy dog?
Stitch finishes
4 years ago
Adorable! Thats the style for boys now, just a little bit long. It reminds me of the Beatles. I don't know that I would let it go much longer than that though...it might start looking shaggy.
And Emma, what a doll!
Oh, I can't wait for this style to go out!!! My Brady wants to grow his out too, but I can't stand watching boys fling their heads back to get the hair out of their eyes. Aaron is a cutie though!! Like you said, sometimes you just have to pick your battles.
I think it is all about choosing your own battles too! We have to tell our children NO on SO many things already. I think a hairstyle, that will probably go out of style soon anyway, is a great way for a child to have his input and know he is being heard and respected.I think this helps with their self-esteem and confidence too. (As long as the hairstlye isn't completely out of control)
That is just my opinion :)
I am going through the same thing with Max...I have the same theory as you, let it grow enough to make him happy, but not too much to look like a shaggy dog. I think Aaron looks cute. It definatly looks better from the front than the side...or maybe it is just his blue eyes that distract his hair!(does that make sense?)
Yeah - don't do too much battle over the hair there are more important battle ahead.
LOVE Emma's hair! You're right the pictures do not do the cut justice - it is cute on her and Matthews hair cut is cute also!
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